We all have gifts and talents. When we cultivate those gifts and share them with the world, we create a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.
— Brene Brown

I believe we all have a special gift to share with others.  Something that makes us unique - our most authentic self.  

Art has brought a sense of joy and wonder to my life for as long as I can remember.  But it wasn’t until I picked up a paint brush in the year 2011 that I fully understood the positive effect art can have on the mind and body.  Creating art allows me to slow down, observe and appreciate the beauty of my surroundings and the gifts of everyday life. 

My work is largely inspired by nature, especially the ever-changing beauty of the sky and florals of any kind.

Although the majority of my work is in oil, I enjoy experimenting with different styles and mediums - gouache, oil pastel, acrylic, cold wax, watercolor and inks - switching back and forth and combining them at times.  I tend to paint with unexpected color palettes while using a variety of brushes and palette knives. This approach helps to keep my work fresh and inspired, and it adds layers of depth and personality.  

I consider it a privilege to share my art with you.  Thanks so much for stopping by!